Big Picture Show

The Secret Life of Pets 2 (2019)

After adopting the oversized and dishevelled stray dog, Duke, in The Secret Life of Pets (2016), pampered Max's beloved owner, Katie, brings home yet another perfect stranger: the dangerous little creature humans call a baby. However, as an unexpected bond between boy and dog timidly forms, Max finds himself consumed with worry about the defenceless child's safety. Now, the insecure and overprotective dog-dad needs to learn how to be less controlling with the aid of the tough shepherd dog, Rooster, as Snowball, the heroic bunny, and Daisy, the feisty Shih Tzu, join forces to rescue a white tiger cub from the clutches of a ruthless circus owner. Of course, Gidget, the fuzzy Pomeranian, too, has her work cut out for her to retrieve a precious object. Will things work out for the best?

Rating Help: To be confirmed
Screening Cost Help:
For screenings before 30/06/13 - £150 and 65%
For screenings after 30/06/13 - £180 and 60%
A SERIES of three or more screenings (Per screenin - £150 and 65%

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