Postcode: CV7 7NG
View Map (Main Road, CV7 7NG)Performance date and time
Saturday, 18th January 2025
7:30 PM
In blood-soaked Tudor England, twice married, accomplished and educated Katherine Parr reluctantly agrees to become the sixth wife of the tyrannical King Henry VIII. Her consent to marry him carries great personal risk, given her predecessors are either vanquished, beheaded or dead. Perceived as a threat by Henry's courtiers, they start to cast doubts about her fidelity and turn the increasingly paranoid king against her.
Running time
2 hours
Audience Type
15 Yrs & Over (15)
Ticket Prices
Other Ticket Information
Doors open 7.00pm
Main Box Office Telephone Number
01676 522645
Available From
Chris Copper - ph: 01676 522645 or mob: 07721 342127
Additional Information
Drinks, snacks and ices available to purchase
Venue Accessibility (See Key for more information)
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