Live & Local - Surprising Shows In Surprising Places

American Wilderness Odyssey

Presented by Artisan Creative

Written from the nitty-gritty experience of month-long treks and road trips, off the main strip, along the backwoods and byways of the southern states of America, Steve Bonham and The Long Road bring to life the songs and stories from their acclaimed American Wilderness Odyssey album and its companion book. Experience an electrifying evening filled with captivating stories and soul-stirring melodies. Delve into the moonlit mysteries of moonshine, the allure of legendary outlaws, and the haunting echoes of ghost towns. Journey alongside emigrants, star-crossed lovers, and the unsung heroes of rural America real and imagined, as their remarkable tales come to life. With an interval included, this is a simple show to stage with two performers against a backdrop of scenic roller banners. An immersive show that will stir the soul with authentic, haunting melodies and foot-stomping tunes. This will appeal to your community’s music lovers, literature buffs and adventure seekers offering an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and igniting an enthusiastic sense of discovery.

"Inspired by life, this rich and vivid show will transport you to the American Wilderness from the comfort of your seat." - Live & Local

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Performer's website

Running time
120 mins + 20 min interval

Audience Type
Adults/Older Children

Age Range

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