Live & Local - Surprising Shows In Surprising Places

As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning

Presented by ARKangel

Immerse yourself in the captivating journey of Laurie Lee, as he embarks on an epic teenage adventure from his tranquil Cotswold home into the heart of the Spanish Civil War. Experience the freedom of youth, living with nothing more than a small fabric tent and a cherished violin. Escape to a lost world where the sun blazes like a brass-taloned lion and the only sounds are the gritty rustle of wheat. This unique storytelling experience brings Lee's evocative prose to life, enhanced by a stunning musical backdrop featuring works by Vaughan Williams, John Ireland and the passionate Cante Flamenco of Andalucia. The show invites you on a multi-sensory odyssey from the lyrical landscapes of the Cotswolds to the sun-drenched plains of Spain, dotted with distant black bulls. Vibrant, entertaining and thought-provoking, this performance is pure escapism. Savor the journey as you join Laurie on his dusty road, narrowing to the horizon. Leave behind the cares of everyday life and step into Lee's world, where adventure and discovery await.

"A rich night of storytelling, interwoven with fiery instrumental and vocal colour, taking the audience on a journey through a Europe lost to the modern world, a Europe poised on the brink of war." -Venue Manager

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Running time
75 mins + 20 min optional interval

Audience Type
Adults/Older Children

Age Range

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